Groundhandling Sites

Groundhandling sites

All spots with flat ground, no obstacles, and a clean airflow can be used to play with your wing on the ground. Coastal reserves with laminar winds are generally good. Be cautious of other park users wherever you groundhandle.
A few spots that are often used for groundhandling are listed below.

Here's an excellent resource on groundhandling exercises. There's plenty to keep you busy and challenged, from basic manoeuvres to difficult exercises.
The Groundhandling Challenge

Butler Stoney Park (Metro Park West) - Millwater

Wind direction for GH : NW is ideal, West to North works. NE can be a bit turbulent.

A large open green 'bowl' with a walkway surrounding it.Small hopping flights are possible here (some people practice Stall point!)
Access via Bankside Crescent or Butler Stoney Crescent, Millwater.
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Millwater Park (Metro Park East) - Millwater

Wind direction for GH : N to NE/E. 

A large open space. This site is also used by Powered HG and Powered PG for take off.
Access from Millwater Parkway, Millwater.
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Shakespear Regional Park - Whangaparaoa

Wind direction for GH : All directions 

Regional Park with lots of open space. Pretty much every wind direction can be covered for GH.
Te Haruhi Bay open grassed area can be very busy with day visitors.
Access via Whangaparaoa Road into the Regional Park, then follow Bruce Harvey Drive to the end for Te Haruhi Bay. Or park at the picture frame and walk via the track up to find a spot to your liking.
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Hilltop Reserve, Gulf Harbour - Whangaparaoa

Wind direction for GH : All directions 

Nice grassy area. Pretty much every wind direction can be covered for GH. Most ideal for NW through to SE.
S and SW winds may add a bit of excitement due to the houses disrupting the airflow slightly.
Parking available next to the reserve on Barcliff Terrace.
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Barry Curtis Park - Flat Bush

Wind direction for GH : S - SW 

Big recreation park with lots of open space. Used frequently for sports.
Access from Stancombe Road, Flat Bush.
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Dunkirk Reserve - Panmure

Wind direction for GH : E 

Small coastal reserve along the Tamaki River/Estuary. Just south of it the is the bigger Mt. Wellington War Memorial Reserve, but sports may be occurring there at times.
Point England Reserve is to the North.
Access from Dunkirk Road, Panmure, or Pt. England Road.
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Te Puru Park - Beachlands/Maraetai

Wind direction for GH : NNW to NNE 

Large flat grassy Council park (just W of Omana Regional Park) with clean laminar air.
Access from Whitford Maraetai Road, Beachlands.
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Michael Joseph Savage Memorial (Bastion Point) - Takaparawhau/Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei 

Please note: this site is currently off-limits for groundhandling. The AHGPC is currently in talks with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to clarify its status, so please do not use it until further notice.

Wind direction for GH : NW to NE 

Land surrounding the actual Memorial site is Maori land, but held as a Recreation Reserve for the public to use, subject to administration  by Ngati Whatua Orakei.

Use is subject to following the protocol below - please make sure to follow it (past behaviour has put our access at risk)
a) Seek clearance on the day from the security hut at the entrance to the marae road at the end of Kupe Street (not normally an issue but once in a while there may be an event/constraint on the site) - or call 021 026 88523  / security hut 0800 427 674.
b) Do not park in marae car parks
c) Stick to the area highlighted below:

Access from Tamaki Drive, into Hapimana Street.
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Auckland Domain/Pukekawa - Grafton, City Central

Wind direction for GH : all, but given it's surrounded by lots of city stuff, can be turbulent. 

Auckland's oldest park, and site of the Auckland War Memorial Museum (worth a visit!)
Access from Park Road, Grafton.
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Oruarangi Road Esplanade Reserve - Mangere

Wind direction for GH : W, SW

Small Council park, sloping west. Wind sock on top of hill, Villa Maria Estate behind
Access from Oruarangi Road, Mangere
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Shore Road Reserve - Remuera

Wind direction for GH : N, NNE

Council park. A big flat grass area overlooking Hobson Bay.
Access from Shore Road, Remuera
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Harbourview-Orangahina Park - Te Atatu North

Wind direction for GH : E, SE

Large undeveloped Council park, bordering the inner Waitemata Harbour.
Access from Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula
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Cornwall Park  - Epsom, City Central

While this may seem an appealing site given the central location and space it provides, but no Groundhandling is to take place in this park.
The Cornwall Park Board prohibits the activity.