Muriwai - Southern private ramp
Site Information
Muriwai is located north west of Auckland. Muriwai is reached by taking State highway 16 out of Auckland to Waimauku and then turning left following the signs to Muriwai beach.
There are three separate flying sites in this area: the North West Face, Maori Bay, and a private take off to the south.
This ramp is located on private property at the end of Ngatira Rd.
Site Type
No bottom landing, you have to be able to achieve enough height to reach Muriwai Beach (Hang Gliders in particular please note).
Mandatory Notices
Please see Access Conditions below. These must be followed regarding access prior to flying.
Site Radio Channel
Channel 20 - 476.900MHz
Hang Gliding
HG Advanced
PG2 + 60 hours
A resident of the area has expressed concern about pilots overflying their property.
Avoid over flying the property indicated on the aerial below. Treat the area in front of this property purely as a transit area, gaining height before it and not dwelling in front of it.
All of the Muriwai cliff flying sites are located within VFR Transit Lan T158 Te Henga, with a ceiling of 2000ft ASL, and no access to airspace behind the cliffs (Class D controlled airspace, and MBZ).
Access Conditions
31 March 2016
The new owners have experienced issues over members of the public accessing the site, leaving rubbish behind and being less than polite when challenged over their presence on the property. As a result the owners have installed security gates across the driveway and pedestrian access.
They have provided the club an access code for the pedestrian gate and are comfortable with club members using the site provided it is respected. As this website is quite widely accessed the Club committee meeting of March decided it was best that the access code was available from the site monitor rather than it being published here.
Having recently met with the new owners they have confirmed that they are happy for the previous arrangements over access by Club members to continue and for the Club's weather station to remain in its current location.
The owners currently intend to use it mostly themselves, they will be there from time to time so if you enter the property and there is someone at the house please do introduce yourselves
Having confirmed the access issues, arrangements are being made to replace the windsock mounting pole with a longer length plus fit another windsock. Any queries on this site call Tony Seaman on 0274 933 023.
25 September 2015
This property has been sold with new owners taking possession shortly. Arrangements are in place for introduction to the new owners so the Club can confirm whether the new owners are happy for pilots to continue to use this site. Until the new owners have confirmed they are happy for pilots to continue to use the site please avoid using the site.
This is a private site available on only a limited number of occasions by obtaining permission from the owner. The owner is quite comfortable with our presence provided we have sought his permission first. However he has emphasised that he does not want to receive lots of phone calls and has therefore asked requests be made through site monitors.
Site Monitor
Eva Keim 021 - 727 013
Tony Seaman - Ph: 09 622 1958 Mob: 0274 933 023
Site Achievements