Maori Bay Magic

Task type: Coastal soaring

Difficulty: Advanced

Launch site: Maori Bay

Site rating for launch: PG2 + 20 hours / HG Intermediate

Task distance: 10 km

Description: Launch at Maori Bay; fly south to within a 400 m radius circle centred on O’Neill’s Bay; return north to Maori Bay.

Skills required: Confident at judging wind strength and direction while in flight in order to avoid areas of potential turbulence. Confident to fly along sections of remote coastline with no bottom landing options.

Tips and Tricks:

  • This route is best flown in a westerly, when the wind is square to the cliffs and conditions are noticeably 'lifty'

  • Be careful if scratching close to the cliff when flying towards the headland at the southern end of Maori Bay (the one where the windsock and weather station are located), as any southerly aspect to the wind direction may cause rotor to form in the lee

  • Crux point - if you find that it's easy to soar up and over the large headland to the south of Maori Bay ( then continuing on this route is feasible. If you struggle to get height and/or feel like you have to push out in front of this headland to get around it then it's best to turn back north towards Maori Bay and try another day when conditions are better.

  • Dangers - south of the large 'crux' headland bottom landing options are largely absent. Do not continue on this route unless conditions allow you to easily maintain your height well above the cliffs. If conditions suddenly change be prepared to top land/slope land amongst the scrub on top of the cliffs. DO NOT under any circumstances put yourself in a position where you are likely to land in the surf!! Be aware of the likelihood of rotor downwind of the small islands and large outcrop at the northern end of Bethell's Beach.

  • It's a LOONG retrieve if you land out at Bethells, so make sure that you can fly back to Maori Bay!

QR code for Maori Bay Magic task

If using FlySkyHy:1) Scan the QR code using your phone's camera and tap 'Open in Flyskyhy'. 2) On the 'Import waypoints' screen tap 'Replace route'. This task is now set as the active route and can be viewed on the Map screen, with the details available on the Waypoints screen.
If using XCTrack:1) Open XCTrack2) Pull down on screen to open menu, and choose 'Navigation'3) Choose 'Competition Task'4) Don't enter any info but click on 'three-dot menu button' in top right corner5) Choose 'Scan task from QR code'6) The free version of XCTrack will only work with the front-facing camera, so use that camera to scan the QR code (the Pro version may allow the camera on the back to be used). It's a bit tricky to line up with the front-facing camera as you can't see the phone screen, but it will beep when it reads it successfully.

Task details

Join the Maori Bay Magic WhatsApp group to discuss flying this task with other pilots: